We like to kick off the school year with a casual breakfast social for our students and their families. It’s a wonderful opportunity for families to meet, start new friendships, reconnect with old friends and enjoy casual conversation with the teachers and staff.
This annual event is a fun-filled tradition for our children and their families to welcome the fall season. The children enjoy games, activities, and crafts organized by our Crabapple Montessori Parent Association (CMPA).
What better way to show dads, granddads, or a special guest how hard the child has been working than a morning just for the two of them. Each child demonstrates three Montessori lessons to his/her father in the classroom.
Just like Morning with Dad, this is a special time to show Mom, grandmother or a special guest how much the child has learned. Lessons are presented by each child.
The Crabapple Montessori School’s premiere event, “Love Around the World,” is a celebration of life on each of the continents: Asia, Africa, Australia, North America, South America and Europe. Each classroom represents one of the continents, decorating the rooms with artifacts and offering food from different countries. The festivities also include live music to entertain children, parents, family and friends.
Scheduled approximately every six weeks, this program gives parents an opportunity to learn from Crabapple Montessori School teachers about different areas of the Montessori curriculum and ask questions specific to their child’s classroom. Because whole child development is central to the Montessori education, it is important for parents to understand Montessori principles and participate in the process. This is why we have a policy that attendance by at least one parent is mandatory.
Scheduled conferences are held twice a year in October and March. Teachers meet with parents individually to discuss their child’s progress covering academic, social and emotional development. Additional conferences are scheduled as needed.
Crabapple Montessori School
12387 Crabapple Road
Alpharetta, GA 30004